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About Us

Our Story begins with one exceptional Sable Collie we named Eric Morgan...

Our Collie dog family

Our Story begins with one exceptional Sable Collie we named Eric Morgan that joined our family in December 1997. The story grows as our family grew with the addition of Ryan Taylor (a Tri-Color Collie) in December of 1998, Devin Hunter (another Sable) in October 2008, Kevin Andrew (a “Blue”) in July 2010, and the baby of the family Aidan Tyler in May 2011.


By now you’ve discerned that Collies have become our “breed of

choice!” Over the last 25 years I can tell you that I’ve learned they are one of the smartest most loving breeds around. And although we’ve enjoyed many very happy years with our boys, a 2.5 year battle with cancer brings us to 4paws.


We will dedicate each day of working with your pets to the loving memory of Eric Morgan, who we sent over the rainbow bridge on June 1, 2010. The wonderful care givers, doctors, surgeons, friends and family that we’ve come in contact with over the years have been an inspiration to form and live out the 4paws dream and we thank them for their loving care. Chief among these care givers was Dr. Jan Weiher and the excellent physicians at AVS in Maitland.


We’ve learned a lot about the spirit, the body, and the mind of our K-9 companions. We’ve studied and researched natural holistic approaches combined with traditional medical treatment in the routine and urgent care of our pets. We’ve discovered many of the best pet food choices and supplements to prolong and add “quality of life” to our 4-legged family members.  


Every day we will do our best to bring what we’ve learned to your pets and family. My commitment to every client is that I will never entrust the care of your furry friend to a member of the team that I wouldn’t entrust with the care of my own family!

Four Paws is dedicated to the loving memories of Eric Morgan, Ryan Taylor, Kevin Andrew, & Devin Hunter 

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